Status colors

The following color patterns are used to indicate a status:

Color pattern Status
The two LEDs closest to the microphones are red.
The microphones are off.
The LED closest to the speaker is red.
If the media player volume is set to 0, the LED closest to the speaker is red, indicating the device cannot produce sound.
Red twinkle
The device is disconnected from Home Assistant. This is common during an update of Home Assistant. In case it happens outside updates, it usually means that there is a network issue preventing the device from reaching Home Assistant
Red flashing
The voice assistant encountered an error.
White twinkle
No Wi-Fi credentials
No Wi-Fi credentials are stored on the device. Use your phone to push Wi-Fi credentials via Bluetooth using the Home Assistant Companion App.
Solid white
Wi-Fi connection initializing
Wi-Fi credentials are stored on the device. The Wi-Fi hardware and connection are initializing.
Blue twinkle
Waiting for connection
Waiting for a connection from Home Assistant.

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