Reinstalling the firmware from bootloader mode is an extreme measure. Only do this if you have tried and failed to using the steps on reinstalling the firmware.

- Home Assistant Voice Preview Edition
- USB-C cable and USB power supply (these are not included in the box)
- Home Assistant installation up and running
- If you do not have Home Assistant installed yet, refer to the installation documentation for instructions.
- This guide was tested using Home Assistant Operating system on Home Assistant Yellow and on Home Assistant Green.
- The password to your Wi-Fi network
Reinstalling the firmware from bootloader mode
Step 1
Enter bootloader mode
- Disconnect the device from power.
- Press and hold the button.
- Connect the device to your computer.
- Keep pressing the button for a short moment, then let go.
- There is no LED or sound indicating it, but the device is now in booloader mode.
Step 2
Open the web installer page
- Open the ESPHome web installer page for Home Assistant Voice PE.
- Info: The web installer is a tool that allows you to install software on your device.
- On the web installer page, select Connect and select the device from the list of USB devices.
- Select Connect again.
Step 3
Install the firmware
- Select Install and follow the wizard.
- Once the installation is complete, power-cylce the device:
- Unplug the USB-C cable and plug it back in.
- To add the device to Home Assistant, follow the Getting started steps.