It is not usually necessary to reinstall the firmware. Only follow this procedure if you have a good reason to do so. Normally, you receive an update notification for the Home Assistant Voice Preview Edition software, just like any other Home Assistant update.

Reinstalling the firmware

Step 1

Connect the device to your computer
  1. Take a USB-C cable and connect the device to your computer.
  2. Open the ESPHome web installer page for Home Assistant Voice PE.
    • Info: The web installer page is a tool that allows you to install firmware to your device.
  3. On the web installer page, select Connect and select the device from the list of USB devices.
  4. Select Connect again.

Step 2

Install the firmware
  1. Select Install and follow the wizard.
  2. When prompted, enter the credentials to your Wi-Fi network.
    • If you have different SSIDs (Wi-Fi network names) for the 2.4 GHz and the 5 GHz Wi-Fi networks, make sure you use the credentials for the 2.4 GHz network, as the device cannot connect to 5 GHz Wi-Fi networks.
  3. Congratulations! You have successfully reinstalled the firmware.
  4. To add the device to Home Assistant, follow the Getting started steps.