Tinker Guides Connecting a sensor to the Grove port

Connecting a sensor to the Grove port of the device allows the sensor to use the device's power supply and Wi-Fi connection. Home Assistant can then detect the sensor and start using it. This page provides configuration details for a few selected sensors.


Connecting devices to the Grove port and reassembling your own firmware can void the warranty.


  • Home Assistant Voice Preview Edition set up and running in Home Assistant
  • Opened the Grove port
  • Have one or more external sensors, such as:
  • If you are adding more than one sensor, you need an expansion unit like this Grove hub

Connecting a sensor to the Grove port

Step 1

Take control of the device in the ESPHome add-on
  1. Go to Settings > Add-ons and install the ESPHome Device Builder add-on.
  2. Start the add-on and select Open web UI.
  3. On the Home Assistant Voice card, select Take control, and follow the steps of the installer.

Step 2

Install a new device configuration
  1. To open the device configuration file, on the Home Assistant Voice card, select Edit.
  2. In the configuration file, under packages, add the configuration for the sensor.
  3. Now, you need to recompile the firmware with the new configuration settings. To start the process, select Install.
  4. Wait for the compilation to complete. Depending on your hardware, this may take a while.

Step 3

Connect the sensor to the Grove port
  1. Disconnect the device from power.
  2. Connect the sensor to the Grove port.
    • Mind the color coding. Make sure the black cable is connected to the ground (GND) pin.
  3. Reconnect the device to the power supply.

Step 4

Open the ESPHome integration page
  1. Go to Settings > Devices & services and select the ESPHome integration.
  2. From the list, under Home Assistant Voice, select Device.

Step 5

View the sensor data
  • On the device page, under Sensors you can view the new sensor data.

Configuration data for selected sensors

Example 1

PIR motion sensor
  • Configuration for the M5Stack PIR motion sensor.
              grove-power: github://esphome/home-assistant-voice-pe/modules/grove-power.yaml
              - platform: gpio
                  number: 2
                name: Motion
                device_class: motion

Example 2

SGP30 TVOC, eCO2 gas sensor
  • Configuration for the M5Stack SGP30 TVOC, eCO2 gas sensor.
              grove-i2c: github://esphome/home-assistant-voice-pe/modules/grove-i2c.yaml
              - platform: sgp30
                i2c_id: grove_i2c
                  name: "TVOC"
                  name: "eCO2"

Example 3

Ambient light sensor
  • Configuration for the M5Stack BH1750 ambient light sensor.
              grove-i2c: github://esphome/home-assistant-voice-pe/modules/grove-i2c.yaml
              - platform: bh1750
                i2c_id: grove_i2c
                name: "Light Intensity"