A device reset deletes the Wi-Fi credentials and the light settings from Home Assistant Voice. The device does not store any other user data. After a reset, the device is ready for a new onboarding process. This may be necessary, for example, when you want to give the device to someone else or if you want to use it in a new environment with different Wi-Fi credentials.

Resetting the device

Step 1

Remove the device from Home Assistant

Step 2

Press the button until it lights up red (22 seconds)
  • Keep pressing the button until the red circle is complete and the device tells you to stop pressing.
  • Result: Once the reset is complete. All data is cleared from the device.
  • Info: If you stop pressing the button before the red light has completed the circle, the reset process is aborted.
  • Info: After the reset is complete, the device starts up again. The white twinkle indicates that it is ready to be connected.